Motor Sequence

Physical development is orderly and occurs in predictable sequence. For example, the motor sequence (order of new movements) for infants involves the following orderly sequence: • Head and trunk control ( infant lifts head, watches a moving object by moving the head from side to side – occurs in the first few months after birth….

Child growth and development

Growth is an increase in the number and, size of cells as they divide and synthesize new proteins; results in increased size and weight of the whole or any of its parts.Can be viewed as a quantitative change. Development is a gradual change and expansion; advancement from a lower to a more advanced stage of…


Study @ GWS Admission open for certificate programme in early childhood education. Duration: minimum of four (4) and maximum of six (6) months. Requirement: three credit passes in S.H.S or equivalent. Fees: admission is free of charge. Monthly payment of  fifty Ghana cedis (Ghs 50.00) Contact +233275995723 for your form and any other inquiry.


 This online course provides students with foundational knowledge of the principles of curriculum and instruction in early childhood education, focusing on children aged 3-8 years. Historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary programs will be surveyed. Consideration will be given to the basic principles involved in the development of curricula for young children including the…