This online course provides students with foundational knowledge of the principles of curriculum and instruction in early childhood education, focusing on children aged 3-8 years. Historical, philosophical, and cultural roots of contemporary programs will be surveyed. Consideration will be given to the basic principles involved in the development of curricula for young children including the relationship between the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and development of young children and how it relates to different curriculum areas, such as math, literacy, science, and creative arts.


  1. To gain knowledge about the major curriculum approaches and issues in early childhood programs.

  2. To define, clarify, and examine important concepts relevant to curriculum and instruction in early childhood education.

  3. To identify and evaluate underlying theoretical frameworks in early childhood curriculum.

  4. To compare and contrast various ECE curriculum models and approaches.

  5. To consider how subject areas and developmental domains are addressed in early childhood/primary programs.

  6. To integrate information from discussions forums and readings with personal perspectives on classroom practices.

  7. To develop curriculum plans for early childhood/primary classrooms based on theory, research, and examination of approached and models of early childhood curricula.

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